Sunday, 14 August 2011

The Last Ten Night of Ramadhan

The last ten nights of ramadhan……

Ramadhan is a month that has full blessing to all Muslims. It also the best month for all Muslims to search for forgiveness and seek for ‘Tauhid’ and to strengthening the ‘Iman’ or Faith. But now the month of Ramadhan is coming to close. All Muslims should take advantage of this last part of the month
The last ten nights of Ramadan are very special night for all Muslims. The first of night commences after the completion of the 20th day of fasting.  In other words, it is the nights occurs on the eve of the 21st day of Ramadan.. Sometimes there are only nine nights, whenever the month of Ramadan lasts for only 29 days. But nowadays, it still traditionally to refer it as "the last ten nights".
Among on this night is a night that called as Laylatul-Qadr (the night of power) which described in the Quran as - a night more blessed than a thousand months. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to single these nights out for worship and the performance of good deeds. He would exert himself in worship during these ten nights more than any other nights of the year. We as muslims should follow the example that been shown by our prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
These are things that u can do on the last tem nights of Ramadhan:
1.      Take a vacation for Allah.
·         We take a break from our jobs for almost everything in life. Why not this time to focus on   worshiping and thanking our Creator.
2.      Do I'tikaf.
·         It was a practice of the Prophet to spend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan in the masjid for I'tikaf. We can do performing various forms of zikr (the remembrance of Allah), like doing extra Salat, recitation and study of the Quran while I’tikaf.
3.      Recite the Quran.
·         Perhaps you can choose Surahs or passages from the Quran, which you have heard in Tarawih this past Ramadan to recite.
4.      Make a personal Dua list.
·         Ask yourself what you really want from Allah. Make a list of each and everything, no matter how small or how big it is, whether it deals with this world or not. Allah loves to hear from us. Once this list is ready, you can do three things:
                                                              i.      Ask Allah to give you those things
                                                            ii.      Think about what actions you have taken to get those things
                                                          iii.      Develop a work plan to get those things in future. O
5.      Have Iftar with the family
·         If you've spent Iftar time on weekdays in your cubicle at work alone with a couple of dates, now is the last few days you'll have this Ramadan to spend with your family. Use it wisely.
6.      Take the family to Tarawih
·         Have you or your siblings kids missed Tarawih most of Ramadan because of busy about other things rather than go to the Masjid, or maybe which is too far away to walk to? If so, do all of yourselves a favor and bring everyone for Tarawih in these last ten nights.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Our Serious Struggle During Ramadhan (Week 2 Entry)

Now, Ramadhan come again at peaceful and harmonies place in MICET. But, fasting at MICET is little bit different with fasting at home. There are so many challenges come to us during celebrate Ramadhan at MICET. It is, lazy to wake up for having sahur at the early morning with cool freeze air. Also feel tired to go to class especially at peak time. Then, feel so lazy together with losing of idea to do the exercises or assignments that has been given by lovely lecturer. After breaking fast, a big challenge come. Feel so lazy to go to mosque to Solat Terawih.

 We don’t care about that; let’s brainstorm about how to overcome the wasting food and money during Ramadhan. Since we don’t have MARA loan, we must survive until we get our pocket money, especially during this Ramadhan.

So, let try some opinion for that:
1.     Make a Budget
Go to Bazaar and make it easy and save….
Main dishes = Packed Rice such a Nasi Ayam Nadia or Nasi Lemak Ayam Berempah (RM 4-RM 5)
Side Order = Murtabak or Roti John (RM 3)
So, Total =RM 8,
30 Days in Ramadhan month, RM8 x 30 Days = RM 240 (More or less as eat during usual day)
2.    Schedule Food Menu
This is to avoid feel boring with the same type and taste of food. Create a schedule menu what are food are going to buy for each day. We can create for a week or maybe for a whole Ramadhan month. So, we can taste and eat without waste that food and our money.
3.    Avoid go to Bazar
This is the best way that can be applied. Do not busy to go to bazaar; just write in the peace of paper or SMS what kind of food we need to someone who always goes to bazaar. Create some check list with whom to order. Find at least 5 to 7 person who really love to go to bazaar. This can save about RM50 of our vehicle fuel. But keep this checklist secretly because when they know, maybe trouble coming…. 

4.    Limit Time.
If really want to go to bazaar for make own choices of food whether at Alor Gajah Bazaar or Tampin Bazaar, put the limit time how long we stand up at the bazaar. Don’t wait for a long time, that may cause your brain become like crazy after see various delicious food at there. And will make your money fly away from your pocket faster than usual. And maybe those foods not enter your stomach, but trough to the trash bin.  The ideal time is, if time for breaking fast at 7.30PM, time to go bazaar at 7.00PM. Depend on the distance of bazaar itself. Then, you not have much time to walk slowly, turn your head left or right. Only buy some food, and then go back to MICET immediately to enjoy your meal.

Are these way effective or not, let try it first. However, whatever challenges come from, when it comes, why it appears or what type is it, we don’t care about it, because we have a special brain with strongest mental and physical to overcome that challenges.
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Friday, 12 August 2011

Why So Serious?

Serious doesn’t mean you are a arrogant type of person, serious maybe you are not in mood or realistic person or you are need to cover macho/control ‘ayu’ or you have a problems or you are pretend to be like a SERIOUS person?? Kekeke ask your self..

Yeah i reallize that serious can happen in this various situation, SERIOUS in Study, SERIOUS when you confess to date someone, SERIOUS in sleep, SERIOUS in game, SERIOUS in work, SERIOUS being yourself , SERIOUS in copy paste :D *recently i did this*, you are even  SERIOUS when get a bonus?? *swt*.. 

When ever that you need to be serious but no need to be SERIOUS in all matter, because there is the situation we should smile and enjoying your moment together while with your friend and family. “Why im so serious today!!” that’s the question you should ask ur self when you are so serious!!.. :D chill bro!! SERIOUS can be bad or good.. whatever of it SERIOUSLY WE DONT CARE ahaks xD

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

A New Life as a Bachelor Student in UniKL Micet!

EXCITED! That’s the best word that can be described all thing about the beginning of journey of our new life as a BACHELOR student in this UniKL MICET. We even get more EXCITED and happy to see the old acquaintance from diploma and also some new friends that further their study as a student at UniKL MICET. 

To get back to UniKL MICET and see the GREAT HILL at the middle of UniKL MICET and feel the environment at campus life is very refreshing and everything feels like new. It is very refreshing after several months rest at home after we have settle up our study at diploma level. HAPPY, FRESH, JOY, EAGER AND INTERESTED. All this feeling is our feeling that lead us to the excitement to begin new life as a BACHELOR STUDENT at UniKL MICET... ~We Dont Care of anything that we will face~